The myth is written at the Kojiki, the oldest book related to the history of Japan (literally, "Record of Ancient Matters").
At the beginning the universe was immersed in a beaten and shapeless kind of matter, sunk in silence. Later there were sounds indicating the movement of particles. With this movement, the light and the lightest particles rose but the particles were not as fast as the light and could not go higher. Thus, the light was at the top of the Universe, and below it, the particles formed first the clouds and then Heaven, which was to be called Takamagahara (高天原, "High Plain of Heaven"). The rest of the particles that had not risen formed a huge mass, dense and dark, to be called Earth
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Painting by Eitaku Kobayashi (Meiji era) |
A partir de este Takamagahara, surgieron los dioses principales, que podéis ver en la imagen del siguiente enlace, de los cuales, cobrarán especial importancia aquí los dos últimos, Izanagi e Izanami
When Takamagahara was formed, the main gods appeared, which can be seen at the image of this link. Of all those gods, the most important ones for this story are the two last ones, Izanagi and Izanami.
Todos los dioses encomendaron a Izanagi e Izanami que arreglaran la masa informe que sería la tierra. Al aceptar el mandato, recibieron la lanza Ama-no-Nuboko, cubierta con piedras preciosas.
All the gods entrusted Izanagi and Izanami to repair the shapeless mass which would be the Earth. By accepting the order, they received the spear called Ama-no-Nuboko, covered with gemstones.
Izanagi e Izanami llegaron al Puente Flotante del Cielo y allí agitaron su lanza en la masa, resonando el agua salada. Al retirar la lanza, el agua que había en el extremo de ésta se acumuló y formó la isla de Onogoro ("Espontáneamente coagulada"). Sobre ella levantaron un altar con una columna llamada Ama-no-mi-Hashira (Sagrado Pilar del Cielo).
Izanagi and Izanami reached the Floating Bridge of Heaven, and there they shake the spear in the mass, resonating the salt water. By removing the spear, the water left on the end of sthe spear accrued, forming the Onogoro ("spontaneously coagulated") island. Above it they raised a shrine, and over it a column called Ama-no-mi-Hashira (Sagrado Pilar del Cielo).
Aprovechando que Izanagi tenía una parte del cuerpo que había crecido en exceso e Izanami una parte que no había crecido (sí, se refieren a los órganos reproductores de cada uno), decidieron procrear allí. Para ello se pusieron a girar en torno a la columna, ambos en sentidos opuestos, y cuando se encontraron Izanami habló primero y después Izanagi
Izanagi had a body part overdeveloped, and Izanami a body part that had not grown (the reproductive systems), so they decided to use these to procreate. For this, they began tu turn around the column, each one in different ways. When they met Izanami talked first and then talked Izanagi
De esta forma tuvieron a Hiruko (Niño Sanguijuela), a quien dejaron en un banco de juncos y lo arrastró la corriente, y Awa-Shima (Isla de Espuma). Pero Izanagi e Izanami estaban preocupados por haber engendrado hijos imperfectos, por lo que subieron al Takamagahara a preguntar a los dioses la razón de su imperfección.
Thus, they gave birth to Hiruko (Leech Boy), who were abandoned on a reed bank and was carried by the current, and Awa-Shima (Foam Island). But Izanagi and Izanami were worried because their children were imperfect, so they raised to the Takamagahara to ask the gods the reason of this imperfection.
Los dioses respondieron que se debía a que "la mujer había hablado primero y por eso no han ido bien las cosas". Entonces Izanagi e Izanami decidieron volver a girar sobre la columna para procrear, pero al encontrarse habló primero Izanagi y luego Izanami.
The gods answered that it was because "the woman had talked first, thus things went wrong". Then, Izanagi and Izanami decided to repeat the turn around the column to procreate, but this time Izanagi talked first and then Izanami
De esta manera engendraron a la isla de Awaji, el archipiélago de las islas de Honshu, Skikoku, Kyushu, las islas gemelas Oki y Sado y finalmente Iki (por entonces Hokkaido y Okinawa eran tierras desconocidas, por lo que no aparecen en el mito).
So they engendered the Awaji island, the archipelago of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu islands, the twin islands Oki and Sado and finally Iki, because at this moment they didn't know Hokkaido nor Okinawa
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